A Short Story

Jessy went to the store, she bent down to get some spices for her dinner. As she was doing that, a boy about her age, came behind her and said in a cool-smooth voice “Hey beautiful”. Jessy looked up, it was Kina, her brother who left her with her abusive parents. She looked at him … Continue reading A Short Story


That moment when your mothers birthday present breaks, and you need to go get her to fix it… Hello! Bithdays can be hard for some people. 1.Finding the right gift and two, making sure you wrap it up nicely so it doesn’t break…. Just today, (my mothers birthday is tomorrow) my youngest sibling got a … Continue reading Birthday..

Summer Fashion

In summer we all want to look classy, and not trashy, so to make the perfect summer outfit, you want to wear light colors, it shows you actually are into summer, put your hair up, and have a flower in your ear, have your shoes match your outfit and hair, wear dresses, and shorts, were … Continue reading Summer Fashion

Being Healthy

We all love candy, ice-cream, donuts, but sometimes it’s to much.. We all have to be healthy, a delicious way of being healthy is a fruit salad! Get some grapes, strawberry’s, pineapple’s, banana’s, and some blueberry’s, and make a nice fruit salad! Not only that a nice exercise to! You can do 5 jumping jacks … Continue reading Being Healthy

A fun sunny summer!

This summer, we all want our kids, siblings, or even you, to be out and about being healthy, getting some exercise, instead of locked up inside, with the curtains down, not getting any sun, and playing starring at a screen playing video games all day and eating junk food all day, well, here some activities … Continue reading A fun sunny summer!